Photograph Gallery ~ Bridge Street

Bridge Street
Bridge Street entrance before it was widened.

Bridge Street
Entrance to Bridge Street from Market Square, before widening.

Bridge Street
Black Horse Hotel
This was one of the towns' leading hotels in the 19th century. Part of it may have been called "The Peal of Bells".

Bridge Street
Bridge Street after widening.

Bridge Street
The Saracen's Head, where there had been a pub since at least the early 18th century.
It was also known as the Oven because of the bakehouse behind.

Bridge Street
The demise of the Saracen's Head in Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
The demolition of The Saracen's Head.

Bridge Street
White Hart and Saracens Head.
An old view showing both Inns with a cart of barrels outside the Saracens.

Bridge Street
Bridge Street resurfacing.

Bridge Street
White Hart. Note the Fighting Cocks in the background. Also note the wooden railings by the river.
The pub had one of the longest, although narrow, yards in the town and was used by carriers from villages to the west.
In the 1840's the Inn had a bad reputation in the eyes of the local constabulary.

Bridge Street
Brown's store in Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
White Hart
Another old view.

Bridge Street
Brown's Store in Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
The White Hart in Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
Fred W Davies shop on Bridge Street, 1987.

Bridge Street
The White Hart in Bridge Street, on fire!

Bridge Street
View form the west - high up!

Bridge Street
Old postcard

Bridge Street
Old postcard

Bridge Street
Bridge Street entrance looking south at a wall which was later removed.

Bridge Street
Achurch business advertisements on a wall exposed after the widening of the Bridge Street entrance.

Bridge Street
3 and 3a Bridge Street

Bridge Street
5, Bridge Street
Lunn & Dodson grocers in 1966.
Now The Banovallum Suite restaurant.

Bridge Street
9/11 Bridge Street from the north.

Bridge Street
12 Bridge Street
Townley's Bakers, 1985.

Bridge Street
12/14 Bridge Street with brick replacement of The Saracen's Head, 1972.

Bridge Street
The Chimney at the rear of 12/14 Bridge Street with Lunn & Dodson Grocers in the background.

Bridge Street
Bridge Street from No.12 looking south towards The Punch House, 1987.

Bridge Street
Bridge Street from No.11 looking south towards The Punch House, 1987.

Bridge Street
Looking south from No.11

Bridge Street
The Bain Bridge
Railings on the west side, 1999.

Bridge Street
Repairs to the bridge over the River Bain, looking towards 9/11 Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
Repairing of the bridge over the River Bain on Bridge Street.
This is a view looking north towards Browns' and Fred W Davies.

Bridge Street
Brown's Shop at 16 Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
Fred W. Davies store in Bridge Street, 1985.

Bridge Street
The north basin of the River Bain and the Wool Warehouse seen from the upper floor of no.12 Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
The Wool Warehouse in Bridge Street from the north, 1966.
Now Hare's antiques shop.

Bridge Street
The River Bain frontage of the Wool Warehouse in Bridge Street, 1966.

Bridge Street
18 Bridge Street, replacing the White Hart.

Bridge Street
Looking north from no.18

Bridge Street
Rollestone House at 22 Bridge Street.

Bridge Street
The vacant Gymphlex factory premises on Bridge Street, 1986.

Bridge Street
Old Gymphlex factory viewed from the Prospect Street side, 1986.

Bridge Street
Gymphlex premises looking from West Street.

Bridge Street
Bridge Street / West Street corner houses.
Houses behind the hoarding were washed away in the flood of 1960.
Taken in 1991.